February 2021 Newsletter

Wilderness Journey

“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” 

 Matthew 4:1

              Jesus spent forty days and forty nights seemingly alone in the wilderness, and without food.  Matthew tells us, “he was famished.” (Matt. 4:2)  That is when the devil stepped in and the temptation began, when Jesus was at his lowest.  However, when the Son of man was at his weakest point, the Son of God was at his strongest.  After spending the wilderness time communing with God, his Father, Jesus was able to resist his tempter, answering each taunt with Scripture.  After the devil departed, “Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee” (Luke 4:13-14), and Jesus began his ministry.

              With Ash Wednesday, we begin the forty day season of Lent that leads to Easter.  Today, Christians use this time as a season of reflection and self-introspection that directs our attention to the coming celebration of the Resurrection.  Many emulate Jesus by giving up something that is meaningful to them; and replacing it with time spent with God, deepening their relationship with our Creator.  That is a gift that keeps on giving:  time – new time, more time, extra time - spent in prayer and devotion, spent one on One.  What a glorious gift to offer our Savior; what a wonderful gift to feed our souls.

              This Lenten season, I invite you to feed your soul and take a trip into the wilderness.  You can pick up a souvenir bag at the church before Ash Wednesday to help guide you along the way.  In it, you will find objects that are either commonly found in the wilderness, or that would be handy to have there.  Even though the wilderness can be a lonely, desolate place, each of our souvenirs will help guide us closer to our destination – closer to Christ.

Let the journey begin!

God’s Blessings, 

Pastor Laura

PS.  If you haven’t picked up your souvenir bag contact Pastor Laura to make arrangements.

PPS.  Before Palm Sunday, be on the alert for “Holy Week in a Bag”!